The Truelab™ Real Time Quantitative Micro PCR System (Working Of System).

Working Of The System
The Truelab™ Real Time quantitative micro PCR system works on four simple processes as sample collection, sample preparation,automatic analysis and reporting that can be completed within an hour’s time.

Sample Collection:
Clinical specimen such as whole blood/serum/plasma/other body fluids and sputum in case of TB are collected fresh in the tubes provided. Frozen specimen can also be used.
Sample Preparation:
The PCR process necessitates the extraction and purification of nucleic acids from a clinical specimen, to free it from potential PCR inhibitors. Sample preparation is therefore done using Trueprep™ AUTO Universal Cartridge Based Sample Prep Kit which contains cartridges and reagents necessary for the purpose. Extraction and purification process:

- The pre-treated sample (refer corresponding Truenat™ pack insert) is added to the sample chamber of the cartridge. The cartridge is then placed in the Trueprep™ AUTO Universal Cartridge Based Sample Prep device for processing. The cartridge also contains pre-loaded Internal Positive Control (IPC).The IPC is a full process control that undergoes all the processes the specimen undergoes, from extraction to amplification, thereby validating the analysis from sample to result.
- DNA/RNA from the sample are bound by the matrix enclosed in a cartridge and inhibitors present in sample are washed out. At the end of processing the bound DNA/RNA is eluted and collected in elution chamber. All the waste generated in the process is contained within the dump region of cartridge.
- The elute is then pipetted out using Truepet™ fixed volume precision micropipette into the Elute Collection tube (ECT). Sample preparation is completed in under 25 minutes.
Automatic Analysis & Reporting
- For the PCR process, test specific Truenat™ Real time quantitative micro PCR chip is loaded onto the chip tray of the TrueLab™ Uno Dx Real Time Micro PCR analyser.
- 6 µL of the purified nucleic acid obtained from the sample preparation process is pipetted using Truepet™ fixed volume precision micropipette into the Truenat™ Real time micro PCR chip (shown in the Fig. above).
- At the end of the test, the results are displayed on the screen and printouts of the same can be taken if required using the Truelab™ micro printer.
The PCR analysis and reporting is completed in less than 30 minutes.