Select Language भाषा छान्नु हाेस् English Language नेपाली भाषा Customer Satisfaction Assessment Form Name: email Date of visit: Phone no. Address: Lab No.: 1.Your visiting hour at centre ? Between 5am-9amBetween 9am-11amBetween 11am-5PmBetween 11pm-8pm 2.How did you come to known about us? referred by DoctorNewsPaper/Radio AdHoardingLeafletClose to Home/workplaceIf any other please specify.... 3.Why did you choose "MANGALAM DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE PVT. LTD." ? oldest reliable labquality of reportour servicesif any other please specify 4.How would you like to collect you report ? Visit the CentreThrough the Online WebsiteVia E-mail/WhatsappHome devlivery 5.Are you aware of our Home Collection and Online report Services ? YesNo 6.How would you rate the courtesy & effiency of technician ? ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoor 7.How would your rate the overall service of the lab ? ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoor 8.Would you recommend our service to other ? YesNo 9.Was the registration process easy and convenient? YesNo 10.Was the staff at the registration counter courteous YesNo 11.How long was the waiting time before drawing blood ? 0-5 minutes5-15 minutes15-30 minutes> 30 minutes 12.Please share your feedback/suggestions to help us serve you better.. Any Complaints please write here: Δ "Leave Your Sample Today And Get Your Report On The Same Day." "STEP INTO A NEW ERA OF DIAGNOSTICS" Like and Share Feedback Click fill the feedback Payment Method fonepay Atm Swipe