Allergy Screening Test

Following tests are carried out under Allergy screening test

Allergen group Allergen 
Grass Mix  Bermuda grass, Orchard grass, Timothy grass, Maize, Rye
Tree Mix 1 Alder, Birch, Oak, Poplar 
Tree Mix 2 Acacia, Eucalyptus, Mesquite, Mulberry tree 
Tree Mix 3 Cedar, Cypress, Juniper/Savin tree 
Weed Mix 1 Gibiscus, Rape, Sorrel 
Weed Mix 2 Cocklebur, Sunflower, Chrysanthemum, Wormwood, Ambrosia, Mugwort 
Mite mix Euroglyphus maynei, Dermatophagoides,Tyrophagus, Glycophagus, Cockroach 
Epithelia Mix Cow, Dog, Mouse, Rat, Cat 
Insect Mix Bee venom, Wasp venom, Bumblebee venom, Mosquito 
Mold Mix 1 Alternaria alternata, Clasdosporium herbarum, caldosporoides, Stemphyllium 
Mold Mix 2 Aspergillus fumigatus, niger, flavus and versicolor 
Mold Mix 3 Penicillium notatum, chrysogenum, Candida albicans 
Food Mix 1 Egg white, Milk powder, Casein 
Food Mix 2 Chicken, Lamb/Mutton, Pork 
Food Mix 3 Rice, Potapotes, Tomatoes, Mustard 
Seafood Mix Crab, Shrimps, Haddock 
Nut Mix Cashew-nuts, Coconuts, Peanuts 
Fruit Mix 1 Bananas, Mango, Latex 
Fruit Mix 2 Pineapple, Green apples, Orange, Grapefruit 

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